Do you often experience severe headaches that affect your daily life? These headaches are often accompanied by throbbing sensations in the temples, nausea... and the slightest noise or ray of light seems unbearable. You are probably part of the 15% of the world's population affected by migration crises¹. Migra Pure® tablets, with their targeted effectiveness, prove to be privileged allies in difficult periods to relieve headaches and localized brain pain.² This bottle of 15 ridged tablets, easy to swallow, is recommended: | In case of first signs of headache | 15 day program | Women are more often affected by headaches, particularly during the premenstrual and menstrual periods. The tablets can be taken at the first signs of a headache to prevent them from getting worse. Aromatherapy product - Formula of natural origin - no addiction - no drowsiness - gluten free - no dyes - no preservatives - no artificial flavours.| Reserved for adults only. ¹ Source: Inserm ²thanks to Feverfew
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