Along the Maine landscape, large blueberry bushes sprawl across beautiful fields and rolling hills. The double-wick candle is inspired by the aroma of freshly picked fruit and contains notes of wild blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, lemon and bergamot, which evoke summer dreams.
Format 602g
- candle with two wicks,
- with the aroma of wild blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, lemon and bergamot,
- in a glass vase,
- burning time up to 170 hours.
Use according to instructions.
How to ensure sufficient candle flame: The main cause of a small flame is low oxygen level inside the candle. Therefore, the candle may not burn properly. Therefore, make sure that the wax always heats up to the edges. Do not remove the wax or cut the wicks. If this recommendation is followed long enough, the oxygen level will gradually return and the flame will burn brightly again.