We love stuffing them! | No wonder, since we've selected plump, tasty organic tomatoes to fill our bottles. Say goodbye to stains on your favorite shirt, Baby won't miss a thing una spoonful! | TOMATO PUREE FOR BABY POPOTE Need something extra to boost your dish? Give it a holiday vibe? Una Popote Tomato puree and that's it, there's no need to look any further.| Tomato puree from 6 months will allow you to improve una puree for Baby but also to use it as a tomato coulis for older children. No additives, no added sugar or salt, no preservatives. | All our ingredients are organic and above all steamed, which allows them to retain all their nutrients and fiber, particularly present in tomatoes. | THE BABY RECIPE For a small Basque chicken from 20 months, mix the chicken puree with a little tomato puree and carrot puree, add chopped thyme, parsley and basil. Heat for a few minutes, it's ready!
Given the freshness of the ingredients, their expiration date is within 90 days.