There is no more doubt, the bambino it hurts. | But without teeth it is not easy to bite una apple. To help Baby we have selected the Golden variety, without a doubt the modo better to wait before seeing his peas appear. | Yuka: 100/100 | BABY APPLE COMPOTE POPOTE To start diversifying your dog's diet bambino starting from 4/6 months, nothing is easier than using our organic applesauce bottle. Meals, water bottle, baby carrier, potty... whatever you want to call it! It will be perfect for starting and introducing the bambino to simple flavors. You can get to work later. Easy to mix with other ingredients (orange blossoms, vanilla, coconut milk...), the soft apple compote will be your daily ally. | Create meals tailored to your bambino with the compotes Popote. 100% organic ingredients, grown with passion, prepared with care, gently steamed without unnecessary additives. This is what gives our Popotes this good taste. So that the taste buds of the bambino are amazed day after day, all our products are validated by a pediatric nutritionist. | THE RECIPE OF BAMBINO Una juice boost from 4 months: in a bottle, add a little apple puree to mineral water. Shake and let the bambino fill up on energy. Another very simple recipe for children: add una drop of orange blossom water and a touch of organic vanilla. Una real island compote!|
Given the freshness of the ingredients, their expiration date is within 90 days.