We're doing well, right? And for una buona right! After selecting some good organic peaches that smell of sun, we cooked them with some apples and mixed them to treat the baby's bottle bambino... Chi wants more! | Yuka: 100/100 | PEACH COMPOTE FOR BABY BY POPOTE Delicious sun-ripened peaches, una little apple to give una ideal consistency, a few drops of lemon juice… and soon our surprisingly tasty compote is ready for babies! It can be enjoyed from 4/6 months, so it is ideal for starting to diversify.| And then a jar of peach, what a novelty compared to the traditional banana compote for babies, right?| And good news, thanks to Popote and our long-life preserves, Baby will be able to eat peaches all year round, even in winter! | THE BEST SWEETS AND SNACKS FOR THE BAMBINO Like a jar of compost for the Bambino… but in bottle format, absolutely perfect for wandering Babies! Our compotes are also ideal for making desserts and snacks for gourmet babies. In addition, our bottles are recyclable! | And they will accompany you throughout the evolution of the Baby's diet, to begin food diversification, when the Baby grows with the introduction of new consistencies, or to go on holiday with Baby! | THE RECIPE OF BAMBINO PEACH BASED For a gourmet idea from 12 months: garnish una small organic semolina cake with peach puree and that's it!
Given the freshness of the ingredients, their expiration date is within 90 days.