The 100% natural Activ'Jambes™ tablets contain high concentrations of OPC*, natural antioxidants derived from extracts of French maritime pine bark and red vine leaves whose action is enhanced by the addition of a black peppercorn extract . French maritime pine bark and red vine leaf extracts are naturally concentrated in polyphenols. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated their effectiveness in: facilitating blood circulation in the veins of the legs1 alleviating the sensation of heavy and tired legs1 THE SENSATION OF COMFORT IS QUICK AND THE EFFECT IS LONG-LASTING The sensation of heavy and aching legs is multifactorial. It is mainly due to poor blood circulation in the legs (often due to sitting or standing for too long): blood accumulates in the veins which begin to swell and distend. Veins are not always strong enough to resist blood pressure. They deteriorate and become more permeable. Water (blood is almost 50% water) passes through the vein wall and penetrates the tissues, causing swelling in the legs.Activ'Jambes™ contains extracts of French maritime pine bark and red vine which provide polyphenols (OPC*) capable of improving the permeability and tone of the venous walls, thus promoting "good" blood flow in the legs. Finally, black pepper stimulates blood circulation3 and above all increases the activity of French maritime pine and red vine leaf, thus making them even more effective! *OPC: oligomeric proanthocyanidins
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