Mixed Vegetable Homogenized
Baby food
Indicated from the 4th month within una diversified diet, according to the pediatrician's indications
It does not contain gluten.
Vegetables are important and are recommended from the beginning of weaning. Together with fruit, a daily consumption of 4-5 portions is recommended, often alternating the varieties, after consulting the pediatrician.
Vegetable purees Mellin They are indicated for the feeding of the bambino Why:
Products with vegetables selected for their quality and subjected to rigorous controls to exclude the presence of harmful substances;
Steamed to preserve their organoleptic qualities;
Without preservatives and colorants as required by law;
Your bambino has nutritional needs that are different from those of an adult and which change in the different stages of growth. For this reason Mellin has developed PRECINUTRI™, the exclusive NUTRITIONAL PRECISION Program to respond to your specific needs through safe, nutritionally correct products that help educate you on good eating habits.
Ingredients: Vegetables (63%) (green beans, potatoes, carrots, courgettes, spinach), cooking water, corn starch, sunflower seed oil.
How to prepare and store
For una smooth porridge: pour the contents into 60 ml of warm water or broth and mix until smooth una smooth cream.
By the spoonful: warm in a bain-marie and serve directly from the jar or saucer, as a side dish.
The unused jar must be closed and stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 24 hours.
Given the freshness of the ingredients, their expiry date is within 90 days