Known for its rare and exceptional properties, Manuka honey comes from the Manuka tree, which is mainly grown in New Zealand under harsh climatic conditions. Its short flowering period, its strong taste and its creamy texture make this honey a rare and unique honey. Thomas Henle's discovery of the specific active ingredient in Manuka honey, called methylglyoxal (MGO), made it possible to understand the origin of the high activity of this honey. The properties of Manuka honey are partly due to its non-peroxide activity allowed by its alto methylglyoxal content. The IAA ® index scientifically guarantees the activity level of Manuka honey. More alto is this index, the higher the concentration of methylglyoxal, the higher the activity of honey. | FEATURES The IAA® 18+ index is the plus index alto of the Manuka Active honey range from HUMER, so it is the honey with the most alto activity level. This index guarantees a methylglyoxal content greater than or equal to 696 mg/kg. IAA® 18+ is characteristic of Manuka honey harvested in the northern region of New Zealand that extends to Auckland.| HUMER pays particular attention to the effectiveness of its products, which is why HUMER Active Manuka honeys are systematically tested by an independent laboratory. Thanks to the number of lotto of your Manuka Active 18+ honey, you can view the product analysis reports, which guarantee its activity and methylglyoxal concentration. 100% pure, HUMER Active Manuka honeys are exclusively sourced from New Zealand and sourced from carefully selected beekeepers.|
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