Restylane Lyft lidocaine replaces RESTYLANE PERLANE LIDO. | This product fills and corrects deep wrinkles, creates and restores facial volume lost over time. It is particularly suitable for bitter folds and deep nasolabial folds (smile lines), as well as for oval areas of the face, nose, cheeks and cheekbones.| TARGETED AREAS Cheekbones| Cheeks| From the nose| From the oval of the face | And deep wrinkles in general RESULTS With Restylane Lyft, deep facial wrinkles are reduced, the skin is deeply hydrated, for a younger and healthier appearance.| The effects of this product last on average 9-12 months. The persistence of the gel can vary from individual to individual because it depends on the lifestyle, skin type and age of the patient.| It is possible to make adjustments after the treatment to improve the results obtained.| Maintenance sessions will also be necessary to maintain the desired effects over time These medical devices are for strictly medical use, their use is strictly reserved for qualified doctors specially trained in aesthetic techniques. |
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