The Anti-Hair Loss formula is the result of research by Forté Pharma Laboratories Expert was specifically developed to act on the causes responsible for hair loss. Its highly dosed formula works in two phases to help: | 1. Slow down hair loss: To counteract progressive hair loss, the 5 ɑ complex -control, a synergistic trio of Venus Hair, Saw Palmetto and Nettle, acts on 5 ɑ -reductase, the enzyme responsible for hair loss.| 2. Stimulate regrowth: Enriched with L-cystine and L-methionine, two amino acids, Expert Anti-chute acts at the heart of the hair fiber for optimal production of keratin, the main constituent of hair. Its action is optimized by the presence of biotin and blueberry which promote microcirculation in the hair bulb.| Expert Anti-Hair Loss also protects your hair from oxidative stress thanks to the Vitamin E contained in the formula.| Your hair is nourished and protected from the inside. It regains all its strength and density.
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