AND noto that creatine improves physical capabilities during successive series of very intense exercises of short duration at a dose of 3 g per day.| Produced naturally by the body, it participates in the resynthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a source of energy for the cell, during explosive and intense efforts.| However, during these short periods, the body does not have time to regenerate its ATP, which risks limiting performance.| EAFIT Pure Creatine Capsules are recommended to aid ATP resynthesis during short-term intense efforts.| EAFIT Pure Creatine Capsule complies with the AFNOR NF V 94-001 standard and anti-doping regulations as of the date of manufacture of lotto.| FOR WHAT BENEFITS? > Pure product: 3g/day of pure creatine monohydrate | > Improves physical abilities| > Explosive and intense efforts| Box of 90 capsules - 15 daily servings - Net weight: 54 g | Dietary supplement. | | |
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