The bambino turns green. | And for this you don't even need to go to the countryside! Everything happens on the plate with these broccoli florets placed in una puree, carefully selected by us, and steamed. | Yuka: 100/100 | BROCCOLI PUREE FOR BABY BY POPOTE Often hated by children, broccoli is however rich in vitamin C and fibre, a real advantage in the dietary diversification of the bambino starting from 8 months. Popote offers you una 100% organic and soft puree that you can mix with other flavors to present broccoli in all its forms to your bambino. Like a jar of broccoli puree for Baby… but in a bottle format, absolutely perfect for wandering Babies! | All our purees and compotes are certified 100% organic and above all without unnecessary additives or preservatives. Only good! | THE RECIPE OF BAMBINO A very sweet idea from 8 months. Mix the broccoli puree with half a glass of baby milk and heat. Then add a drop of fresh cream and serve this Baby broccoli cream soup.
Given the freshness of the ingredients, their expiration date is within 90 days.