Eucalyptus leaves cut by laboratories Iphym allow the production of infusions and/or decoctions. Native to Australia, Eucalyptus is a plant very famous for its medicinal properties. Its use as a food supplement is particularly recognized for the treatment of inflammation of the vie respiratory, throat and bronchi, but also to relieve fever and asthma. Also called “fever tree” or “Tasmanian blue gum tree”, this plant is known for its tonic properties. Cut eucalyptus leaves are particularly suitable when suffering from bronchitis. The latter, in fact, has pectoral virtues that favor the stimulation of the secretory cells of the bronchial mucosa. It also has infectious properties thanks to its cineole content. Furthermore, the leaves have the particularity of being astringent, tonic, antiparasitic and fever-reducing. They have anti-inflammatory power and soothe pain related to the respiratory system. Eucalyptus has a pleasant aromatic scent that will transform the consumption of your infusions into a true moment of pleasure! The laboratories Iphym they are specialists in plant-based products. They use the benefits of herbal medicine to treat everyday ailments.
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